NLP Kannada Text Summarizer
Kannada Article Summarizer: Natural Language Processing Project which contains the implementation of the art of intrinsic
extraction using a statistical stemmer, POS Tagger, TF-IDF& GSS co-efficient in Python for Kannada Language.
extraction using a statistical stemmer, POS Tagger, TF-IDF& GSS co-efficient in Python for Kannada Language.
May 2017
NLP Hotel Review Classifier
Natural language Processing Assignment
Naive Bayes Classifier to classify reviews of hotel in positive, negative , genuine or fake reviews
Naive Bayes Classifier to classify reviews of hotel in positive, negative , genuine or fake reviews
Feb 2017
Jarvis - Amazon Alexa Skill Set
Amazon Alexa Skill set development.
Personal project. Place to consolidate all skills developed.
node.js and python
Personal project. Place to consolidate all skills developed.
node.js and python
January 2017
Congress Android App
Web technologies class Assignment. Android application Integrating with Sunlight Foundation Api to get details of the members of the Congress.
December 2016
Congress Web App
Web technologies class Assignment. Integrating with Sunlight Foundation Api to get details of the members of the Congress for each states of USA and display their details. Built using Angular.js and PHP.
Hosted on Amazon WebServices.
November 2016
Lob Api Integration (Generate Letters)
Uses google Civic Api to get representative Info based on address provided.
Uses letter api to genetate letter to selected canditate. Letter Api - node lib
Built using Node.js and express.js
Built using Node.js and express.js
Chirp App
Built using MEAN Stack (MongoDB, Express.js Angular.js and Node.js). Simple app that lets you register, login and send small messages. (Twitter Clone)
Muphoria (Mu-sigma Hackathon-Top 5)
Distance routing program to determine the minimum
number vans required and the total miles need to be travelled to service the daily demand of 600 stores.
Intrusion Detection System for DOS attacks
Combination of Intrusion detection and mailing
system that immediately informs administrator regarding the DOS attack that has been occurred.